When you have orders for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS), the Department of Defense (DoD) issues entitlements in monetary allowances. These entitlements can help offset the cost of your PCS, but to qualify for them, you need to keep careful records and file claims on time. Your local transportation office will talk you through your specific entitlements during your counseling session, but the information below provides an overview of what will be covered.
Note: First-time movers, separating service members and retirees, must contact their local personal property office to obtain information on their specific entitlements.
A moving allowance is the overall weight of your household goods (HHG). Your HHG moving allowance is tied to the Service member's rank, move type, and the number of dependents in your family. Any costs to move additional items/weight above your moving allowance will be charged to you after delivery, so understanding those limits before you begin packing will take the stress and extra costs out of moving.
The average weight allowances for a PCS are based on rank, dependency status, and move type. Special circumstances, like moving overseas/OCONUS, a retirement move, or a separation move, may have extra entitlements or limitations. Each branch of service may also offer different allowances, so be sure to check with your local transportation office to confirm these amounts.
Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) partially reimburses a service member for lodging and meal expenses while staying in temporary lodging in the continental United States during a permanent change of station. A service member may not receive both TLE and per diem for PCS travel on the same day. TLE may be paid for any day that per diem for PCS travel time is not paid, up to 7 or 14 days.
More information on the TLE benefit can be found on TLE FAQ and through your local pay office. You can find the contact information for your local pay office through MilitaryINSTALLATIONS.
The government pays per diem for lodging, meals, and incidental costs while on official travel. The amount varies based on the location of travel. Service members and their families on official government travel orders can receive per diem to help pay for lodging, meals, and incidentals. To look up your Per Diem rate, click here. For more information about Per Diem, visit the FAQ section here.
Monetary Allowance in Lieu of Transportation, or MALT, pays mileage reimbursement for service members and their dependents during a permanent change of station. When service members and their families move for a PCS move, they can receive MALT for two personally owned vehicles if they are used. MALT is paid per mile for the official distance of each travel portion. If you drive your vehicle from one duty station to the next as part of your PCS, you can receive MALT as a per-mileage reimbursement. More information on the MALT benefit can be found through your local pay office.
A PPM is a move you perform or arrange yourself instead of using a DOD-arranged Transportation Service Provider (TSP). It can be done for either a full or partial move. You must obtain approval from your Transportation Office (TO) before performing a PPM move. Below is a list of ways to conduct a PPM: Rent portable moving and storage containers, rent trucks or trailers, use your vehicle and/or trailer, hire a commercial moving company, and ship via a small package carrier (e.g., USPS, FedEx, UPS). For more information, visit the PPM factsheet here.
A DLA partially reimburses service members for incurred household moving expenses. The household move must be required by a PCS, evacuation, or — in some cases — ordered for the government’s convenience. Generally, only one DLA is permitted in a fiscal year. Get the latest DLA rates from the Defense Travel Management Office, which lists rates based on pay grade and dependent status. File reimbursement forms with your installation’s finance office and request an advance through your former installation finance office for your DLA and other moving payments. Click here to find the answers to some frequently asked questions about dislocation allowances.
Are you seeking more answers on delayed goods, inconvenience claims, and DITY moves? Check out move.mil for answers to these questions and more.