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Time is one of those things that there's never enough of, no matter how organized and curated your schedule. As a military family, we know that last-minute events crop up all the time. Field time gets extended, and oops, no one told you that you need to bake one hundred cupcakes for a unit event tomorrow. We understand these challenges because our teams are made up of veterans and military spouses.
So we try our best to make sure your time remains your own. When you submit a work order request to our maintenance department, the last thing you need is to have to wait for us to visit your home.
That's why we're so excited to extend you the option of Permission to Enter (PTE). Permission to Enter authorizes our maintenance team to complete your work order repair - even when you're not home. That frees up your day to do all of the things that are on your list. PTE is a safe and efficient way to make sure your work orders are addressed on time - all without disrupting your carefully curated (and quick to change!) schedule.
PTE is all about making things easy for you
We're all about making things easier for you. As former military and mil spouses, we know how difficult it can be to juggle your own schedule and the ever-changing schedule of your service member spouse. That's why we're so excited to offer you the chance to say yes to PTE. PTE helps take the stress out of maintenance work orders.
When you give our team PTE, you're free to keep your own schedule in place. PTE authorizes our highly trained maintenance staff to complete your work orders with little or no disruption to your day.
If you have questions about how PTE can make things easier for you and your family, we're here to help. Feel free to call your local District Office or connect with us on our social channels.
Related: Here’s what we’re doing to improve our resident experience