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LMH encourages residents to participate in this year’s annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey.
The annual satisfaction surveys are an excellent opportunity to share your feedback on what you love about your community and provide feedback on what we can do to improve your experience with housing. These surveys drive change and set the goals for the coming years, and allow us the opportunity to hear what you would like to stay the same and where we can enhance your community.
We value your feedback and hope you will take the time to complete this important survey.
Per the Military Housing Association’s Website: “The annual tenant satisfaction survey is an important way military housing providers gain insight into the resident experience,” said MHA senior advisor General John Campbell (U.S. Army – Ret.). “We want military families to be heard. Increasing household participation in satisfaction surveys will strengthen the data that privatized military housing providers can use to make operational changes and improve services.”
Each household will be emailed a unique link administered by an independent survey company, sponsored by the Department of Defense. All responses to the survey will be anonymous.
Survey Schedule:
- Army: December 2, 2020 and will run for 45 consecutive days
- Marine Corps: December 8, 2020 launch | January 29, 2020 close
- Navy: December 10, 2020 launch | January 31, 2020 close
Points of Contact for Resident Survey Issues
- Army:
- Marine Corps: | | 800.350.4888
- Navy:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who is responsible for emailing the surveys? A. The 2020 annual resident satisfaction survey will be managed by the Department of Defense (DoD) for residents living in privatized housing. Each branch of service will be sending out a different survey. Residents will receive the survey for the Branch their installation is tied to, which may not be the resident service members branch. Example: SM is in the U.S. Navy but lives at Camp Lejeune, NC. In this example, the resident will receive a USMC survey.
Q: Is this the same as our Resident Satisfaction Survey (RSS)? A: Yes, the Department of Defense (DoD) has re-named the survey Tenant Satisfaction Survey.
Q: What email was the survey sent to? A: The email used will be the primary email tenants provided to Lincoln Military Housing. Only one person per home address will receive the invitation email.
Q: Are the surveys confidential? A: All respondent information will be kept confidential. It will not be linked to the overall feedback results shared with DOD or the results that DOD shares with privatized housing companies or other stakeholders.
Q: Are residents required to complete the survey? A: Participation is voluntary; however, Lincoln Military Housing encourages residents to participate and share their experiences.
Q: Why should residents participate in the survey? A: The results of the survey are used to identify where Lincoln excels and areas where improvement is necessary.
Questions? We are here to help!