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It’s no secret that the military community is unique. It can also be challenging - especially for young families. Now more than ever, the struggles that young military families are facing are at the forefront.
Some of the most challenging issues facing military families have to do with limited childcare. The Armed Services YMCA reports that 7 in 10 military parents struggle to find affordable and accessible childcare. Adding to that challenge is the limited number of on-base childcare options available, making childcare and parenting all the more difficult for young military families.
The Armed Services YMCA is a branch of the YMCA. Its mission is to provide free and low-cost programs and services for military children, spouses, and families. Annually, the ASYMCA directly impacts 25,000 military families members and provides 1.3 million low-cost and no-cost events for military families.
LMH has had a partnership with the ASYMCA for several years. Currently, programming is all taking place virtually. As a resident at an LMH property, you have access to ASYMCA programs.
Since March 2020, ASYMCA has increased its emergency relief services by 500% and has 3,000 youth attending virtual programs. More than 2,000 children of essential workers’ are in their care for both before and after school. The ASYMCA also offers virtual classroom settings for children who cannot attend in person.
The ASYMCA is committed to strengthening military families, and to help support that mission, the organization provides after school programs, outdoor retreats, summer camps, and more. One notable program is the ASYMCA Operational Little Learners program, which is part of Parent and Me programming.
Operation Little Learners is a program designed exclusively for parents and children to attend together. The preschool readiness program is open to all military dependents aged 18 months to five years. Find out more about OLL here.
These programs are exclusively designed for junior-enlisted military members and their families. The ASYMCA is the oldest military support organization in the United States. Since 1861, it has been working to fulfill military families' needs through its 12 branches, over 200 program centers and is currently embedded in 93 military installations nationwide. Programs are tailored for each location, and most are at no cost. There are no dues or membership fees to participate in ASYMCA programs.
If you are interested in learning more about the ASYMCA and how it might help your family, find your location here.
Related: Here’s a list of military resources available for your family.